HISB: Binatang hidup dijual sebagai keychain di China

What the fuck?

Apa anda yang diperlukan:

Kura-kura, Salamander, Ikan comel
Beg plastik.
Air yang penuh dengan nutrient dan oksigen.


Yeay instead of accessorizing your cute phone dengan cute fake turtle, why don't you use cute REAL turtle. Baru kawaii gile!

Wei tengok bag aku ada ikan hidup!!! Tapi ikan ni orang jual tu cakap boleh hidup berapa bulan je, Lepas tu kiok. So maksudnya aku akan bawak binatang mati with me wherever I go. Cool. Baru black metal gile!


The saddest part is it's legal there to sell this shitty stuff.

And imagine, kalau kau pergi China kau nampak benda-benda macam ni. Kau mesti rasa macam disgusted and kesian. So kau beli, and free the animal. Ooh nice move you animal lover. But wait a second, you are actually supporting them!! You buy one, there you go a new spot for a new animal. "Yeay!" for them, but "Fuck nooooo!" for us. So I guess the best option is not to buy this shitty stuff and let the animals die.

"Save the cheerleader, save the world" rule definitely does not apply here.

Whatever world, what the fuck ever.

Sumber: Tree Hugger