HISB: desu! @ Comic Fiesta 2011

My teaser for desu! @ Comic Fiesta 2011.
Inspired by Ryoko Hirosue's dame video

HISB: Shit Girls Say.

Not bad. Pretty spot on.
I lost it at " Did I lock the door?".
Berhenti. Fikir jap.

Dan part yang berusaha cari barang yang bersepah dalam bag.
So perempuan!!

Kalau ada benda aku cakap tak sangat pun, but most of my girlfriends do say those things.

Girls, aren't we cute ?

HISB: Komik Rage Ojamoja: 6

PMS is more complicated than just a mood. Men will never understand! Now now, why don't you go sit in the corner and STFU, and as a reward, I will make you the best sandwich ever. =P

HISB: Komik Rage Ojamoja: 5

Lama gila tak buat komik rage. Best jugak guna untuk perli-perli orang. Ini hanyalah dari pandangan general aku di dunia twitter yeh. Jangan makan dalam. Sesiapa pun boleh terasa. Aku pun boleh terasa. Tapi aku lock twitter aku. =P Pesanan penaja; lock lah twitter anda jika anda tidak mahu jadi sangat transparent kepada stalkers. Stalkers akan sentiasa ada. At least kalau lock, stalkers kena berusaha sikit lah kan nak stalk. Baru stalker tegar. =)

HISB: Name-dropping.


Kenapa aku tidak akan menganggap muzik/entertaiment stuff sebagai "serious business"?

Proses penciuman bontot sana sini adalah amat perlu.

Puja memuja.

Oh please lah.

Dalam tangga korporat pun aku perlu cium bontot sana sini.Takkan dalam benda yang aku anggap sukasukaheyhey pun perlu cium bontot sana sini, memang lemak lah. Nasib baik bukan punca rezeki, dan tidak lah kemaruk nak naik tangga glamer sampai ke puncak.So it's kinda annoying when those people who think they are "in the scene", dropping names like there's no tomorrow. Be whatever you want bitches, I don't fucking care. But, please, less talk, more action, that's the way it should be. =)

Yes, I know show business is a very serious business. But sorry, if it's not related to bombastic science, or philosophy, I won't take it seriously, so don't bother to impress me with your name-dropping stories. Unless kau cakap kau kenal personally dengan Neil Tyson ke, late Carl Sagan ke, Bill Nye ke, then come to me bebeh, I want to listen to your name-dropping stories.

I'm such a hipster.

Hipster informasi.

If you tell me you play musical instrument, OK,I admit, it will turn me on, a little bit. But if you tell me you read (non-fiction, intelligent) books and know about things most people rarely know, guess what? I will cum right away.


HISB: If I were a parent

Kalau kau jadi ayah dia, kau jawab apa?
Kalau aku, "Jap mak nak google jap ek." *bawa keluar smartphone* "Oh, matahari memanaskan tanah jadi udara dekat dengan tanah panas, dan naik ke atas, so every time pergerakan udara dari bawah ke atas, maka terjadi lah angin!"

Haha itu kalau aku rajin.
Kalau aku tak rajin.

"Sebab kuasa Allah S.W.T."

Or paling malas, guna je version ayah Calvin.

Ah when I was little, I rarely asked this kind of question.Sebab masa kecil aku senyap, suka observe and fikir. Sebab bila aku tanya mak aku, "Mak dari mana baby keluar"?. Dia tak jawab. So aku pun assume baby keluar dari pusat dan aku ingat baby automatically terjadi lepas someone tu bersanding. Dan lepas itu aku malas nak tanya dah. Sebab mak aku tak melayan. *muka kesian kena ignore* Best jadi budak-budak, kita boleh sukasukaheyhey assume, apa sahaja. Tidak perlu ada rasional atau logik. Sampai aku umur 10 tahun. Kakak aku (yang baru meninggal hari tu), melahirkan anak first dia. Dia beritahu aku baby keluar dari vagina.The eff. And fast-forward, my first job, involved tengok orang beranak. Gross. Seriously. Dan dengan bangganya aku ingin berkata, aku dah tengok banyak vagina berdarah. Hahaha.

Selamat hari Jumaat. =)

HISB: Tramampoline! Tramampoline!

Saw this video posted online in a thread:

And someone commented in the same thread:

Thought of this immediately..

And the OP(original poster) commented:

I couldn't help but make it so.

So he posted this video



And yes, I'm easily amused.

HISB: Just friends.

Loophole dalam video ni, they are college kids, so yeah guys around that age memang cepat suka kat perempuan. And perempuan pulak memang suka mencari perhatian.That's why it's hard for them to be "just friends". Level of libido masih tinggi. Masih jakun dengan perempuan. =P

For girls yang cakap yes, er maybe mereka ini friendzone lelaki-lelaki yang tidak attractive.
Sebab itu senang je cakap yes.


I don't know.
What say you?

Platonic relationships, do they really exist?

HISB: Tia mengandung.

Wanita 28 tahun (dengan muka nak mintak penampar) dan kucing-kucing.



Kalau ada kondom untuk kucing dah lama aku beli.
Kerana kondom kucing tidak wujud, tiada jalan lain, kena hantar Willie pergi neuter lah.
Aku tidak mahu pisang berbuah dua kali dengan cerita-cerita kelapa ditebuk tupai.

Selalunya orang hantar kucing untuk neuter kat mana ek di lembah klang ni?

And while aku tengah semangat camwhore.
Guess what I'm gonna wear for CF?
A 15 ringgit dress. Yep it's that cheap.
Well desu! actually has a theme for CF.
Kau tengok je dress aku ni and imagine me with pigtails.
Rasanya boleh teka kut character mana. Walaupun baju tidak exact sama.
Tapi minah tu punya baju selalunya pink and yeah she always has her hair in pigtails.

Mm boleh teka tak?

Btw muka sedih sebab, aku gemok sangat.
Macam nak koyak baju tu.

I wish I were smaller and thinner.

HISB: Calvin is always right.

Haha maybe I should tape up this strip somewhere in the office and my room.
Y'know just to justify my procrastination on doing things.

I have japanese lyrics to hafal.

Christmas gifts to buy.
A costume to look for.
Reports to submit.
A teaser to shoot

But what I really want to do all day is guling-guling with my fluffy cat.


Last-minute panic, I think I will see you next week ok.

Now let me guling-guling.


HISB: Jenis-jenis perempuan dalam anime.

Ada beberapa orang cakap saya jatuh dalam kategori tsundere.
Entah lah labu.
Tapi yang pasti bukan yandere.

HISB: Definition of narcissism.

Mm do you excessively love yourself?
Maybe you should get a suit made with your name as pinstripes.

HISB: Loyal pet is loyal.

This video made cry. In this video, is a funeral of a Navy SEAL who was killed in Afghanistan. His dog Hawkeye laid next to his coffin throughout the whole funeral. This reminds me of this one Futurama's Jurassic Bark and ermm.. Hachiko!! Did I tell you that I'm really emotional when it comes to pets especially dogs?

I guess Robert Brault was right when he said
"The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude." =( OK, excuse me while I hug my furry friend *cari Willie*. Bye.

HISB: Reality check.

Reality sucks. But what can we do to beat its suckiness ? Just keep smiling of course. =)

School Portrait (2011) from Michael Berliner on Vimeo.

Bila jatuh, kita bangun balik.


HISB: One-Sided

I hate this kind of one-sided comic .The reverse of this comic should be the guy saying in the end "It's going to be such a shame when I dump you because I haven't "lived" enough and want to bang lots of random chicks before I settle down"

Memang perempuan ke je selalu jahat?

Mana ada!!!

I always believe it's a two-way street bebeh. Both sides can be assholes.

Source: Bob-Rz

HISB: Ada manusia tidak faham lawak internet.


Hari ini aku ternampak satu komen yang sangat facepalm di wall aku.


Kadang-kadang aku suka share benda kat facebook sampai lupa sesetengah orang hidup dia bukan di internet. Jadi ada lawak internet dia tak akan faham. Jadi dia akan buat assumption macam dia faham. Dan assumption dia selalu nya what the fuck. Buat aku ternganga.

Ye, agak sangat obvious melalui blog dan di social network. aku adalah manusia yang addicted dengan dunia internet. Sekiranya kebebasan untuk aku meng-google ditarik dengan serta merta, aku mungkin akan mengalami reaksi asphyxiation dan rebah jatuh ke tanah, dan keluar buih-buih putih di mulut ku. Yep, it's that serious.

Ok back to that certain facepalm comment;

Aku tidak salahkan dia. Sebab sebelum pre-pop-internet-culture, aku pun sangat lah seriousa. Semua benda nak fikir seriousa sajor. Tak percaya tanya desu! Thanks to them aku memahami sedikit demi sedikit mengenai dunia internet yang gila ini. Sekarang Alhamdullilah, aku dah boleh lah jadi hipster sikit ( tahu benda sebelum ia menjadi mainstream) =P

Adakah ini bermaksud aku berjaya men-troll satu manusia di internet? Sebab aku hanya share something yang sangat random dan funny (from my POV lah, threshold lawak untuk individu adalah berbeza-beza. Apa kau rasa lawak, aku tak rasa lawak and vice versa ) di facebook, tiba-tiba ada orang kasi ceramah. Erk. Itu point orang troll kan? Nak kasi orang lain terlayan dan berbahas dengan apa aku post itu. Kan?

YES. NAIK SATU LEVEL DI DUNIA INTERNET! A newfag no more. You bitches should be jelly naw! =P

Shit aku rasa macam aku ni Rick Astley.