HISB: Perihal Audisi.

OK remember the audition I talked about in my previous entry? Guess what bitches, we nailed it! =D You heard it first here. OK not really aku da huha kat twitter aku. Not on FB yet. Tunggu organizer huha dulu. Baru kami huha. Hehehe. So I guess we will be sharing the stage with other Japanese music lovers. Yeah man. I'm psyched. The event will likely be held 3-4 months from now. Mungkin kami akan perform di anime convention yang terdekat dahulu untuk mendapatkan momentum beraksi seperti rock star (nasihat organizer memandangkan kami ini agak noob. hiks). Harap-harap Jrock No Tamashi bukan in December. Kalau tak mati. Sebab hujung tahun InsyaAllah, ada event besar jugak kami akan participate. Ala event-event yang akan dikerumuni oleh para-para otaku serta pencinta aktiviti cosplaying juga. Geek events. =P

Erm, hopefully semua ahli band dapat turut serta. You know, satu kelemahan mempunyai band kerana atas dasar "having fun", kami kekurangan satu perkara yang penting. Komitmen. Dalam hidup aku sekarang komitmen aku kerja je lah. Heee. So far, kerja memang tidak membawa masalah. Less than one year dah boleh naik pangkat, no biggie for me as long as I know my way to be consistent and...if rajin, improve agar dapat menaiki tangga korporat dengan jayanya! Erm Pasal band. Erm, it's more like a stress reliever for me. I can be someone that I am not on stage. Which is kinda cool. Macam main make-believe. Get people to think that I'm into cute and lalala stuff. Padahal ganas nak mampos. Macam singa! Whatever it is, I'll give the best that I can. And I hope the others will do the same. Because we are desu! =)

Semoga segala berjalan lancar. Amin.

So yeah, kita hadapi Ramadhan dan Syawal dahulu.

Lepas tu baru fikir MOE MOE KYUN! *tunjuk peesu sign*