HISB: Menstruation Fairy

I don't mind the bleeding but what I really mind is all the feelings that come before the bleeding. My next cycle would be my 187th unfertilized ovum. ( No, I've never missed one so far *touches wood* haha). If my menopause age were 50, I would have another ~247 ovums to go. Mmm awesome.

TMI, I know. But who cares? There's no such thing as TMI on the net. Yesterday I just saw a circulated pic of Scarlett Johansson's ass on the net. That same pic I saw a few months ago. I wasn't sure why suddenly it became a very big news yesterday. It was taken sometime in 2010 if my memory serves me right (Amboi benda macam ini kau ingat je eh oj moj?) The weird thing is only now ScarJo has decided to press charge. The fuck? Where the hell have you been girl?

Oops I digress. My ovum --> ScarJo's juicy ass. Huh? I am sorry.

Yes I spent a few minutes to do the ovum calculation just because I am random like that. But based from what I have heard, menopause is slightly worse than PMS. Is that true?


Women, we are made of steel, aren't we?

Source:I Am Emiko